Fun fact: I'm sitting in a room at the ER waiting on Trace to have a test run. I'm quite familiar with this room. It's the same one I was in for several hours a few years ago.
I lay in this room without being seen for, oh, three to four hours, between roughly 2:30 and 7 a.m., coincidentally also on a Monday morning, while I suffered pretty much the worst pain of my life. I at one point got up, walked -- hunched over -- across the hall to the restroom, and vomited because the pain was so great. I eventually passed out from the pain and exhaustion.
When I woke up when the doctor finally came to see me, the pain had subsided (because in passing out I was able to relax my muscles). The doc the prescribed me Darvocet, which has roughly the same pain-killing properties as toast, and sent me on my way, assuming that my own personal diagnosis of kidney stones was correct. No tests, no x-rays, no pain killers. Nothing.
Well, let me tell you. I still have pain in that spot on occasion. Doesn't sound like kidney stones to you, either, huh? Right. Well, according to the second (first?) opinion I got when I was still in pain a week later, that's because it was ACTUALLY an injury known as costochondritis. My rib bone had separated from the cartilage.
Needless to say, I hate this ER, but we came here today because it's closer to our house.
I'm very worried, though I know it's not good to worry. It's so hard to see someone you love so much be in so much pain. And after the events of the weekend, this was definitely not welcome.