07 February 2012

When he's right he's right

I had derby practice last night. It was the first time in probably a few months that we've been put in somewhat of a scrimmage situation. We've gotten a little bit sloppy thanks to sock derby but it was fun to be at it again.

That said...

I have some wicked bruises on my shin. I took a couple of really awesome falls and have a nice bruise/raspberry on my shoulder where I slid across the floor. I have a cut on my thumb and have no idea how it got there. I think it might have been from someone's pads. I got my own elbow shoved into my stomach. Not pleasant. I got punched in the mouth by a teammate. No bruising there, thank goodness. But I'm sore all over today. And I broke a toe. At least, it's got the look and feel of a broken toe.

I discovered the issue when putting on my skates following sock derby. Don't know if I got stepped on or what. But I figured the show must go on, so I taped it to the piggy next to it and kept skating. There was an hour of practice left and I didn't really want to sit out. We've got a full scrimmage practice next week.

When I got home I called Trace and was telling him about my injuries. He said, "You know, two years ago, if someone would tell you that you would go through all that pain and love it, you would have laughed in their face. I told you derby would make you tougher."

I guess he was right. I pretty much consider myself a wimp, but that's starting to fade. Thank goodness. Because wimps get their asses kicked in derby and don't last long. :-)

04 February 2012

Never say never

I guess I can no longer say I never win anything.

This is my first-ever medal. In anything. No, really.

I placed third in my age division at the Mardi Gras 5K this year. I'm pretty stoked. I know Mom would be proud, even if she would think we all make too big a fuss over her.

This year, it was sooooo much nicer to participate. The last two years have been sort of miserable. In 2010 it was freezing. In 2011 it was freezing AND rainy. Today it was about 50 and dry. The rain picked up as we were leaving after the awards.

The photo above is me all sweaty in the ladies' room of the gym of my old old high school right after finishing the race. They've redecorated it somewhat with MARBLE (or faux marble, anyway). I wish 51 was a number on the roulette wheel. I'd start playing it.

And speaking of my old old high school (I call it that because we moved to a new building when I was a senior)....

This is where we all gathered after the race. Wow, this gym brings back bad memories. But some of the best memories I have from high school are from that stage at the end, where we put on the musical ever year. Good times.